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A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 124 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. For institutions that operate on a tri-semester or quarter-semester it would be quite different. That being said, the Bachelor's degree - in most cases - is designed as a four year program of study, provided the student is full-time and follows their chosen program of study as prescribed by the college or university, and also provided the individual does not require prerequisite or developmental coursework. The minimum credit load for a full-time student is no less than 12 credits per semester. However, to complete the degree within the four years, a credit load of approximately 15 to 18 credits is recommended. For individuals who work or who have other responsibilities that would prohibit them from attending full-time, completion of the degree may take twice as long. Still, some of this time can be cut down by attending summer sessions and/or interim sessions. In addition, the bachelors and associate degrees are referred to as undergraduate degrees while the Masters and Doctorate degrees referred to as graduate degrees.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

A master's degree can take anywhere from 30 credits to approximately 60, depending on the specific program of study. Typically, it takes between two and three years to complete depending on the credit load carried per semester, and provided the student takes the degree as prescribed by the college or university.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

A bachelor's degree in most areas can require between 120 to 128 college credits particular to a specific program of study. This would be based on a college or university that operates on a regular two semester academic year which is the most common. For institutions that operate on a tri-semester or quarter-semester it would be quite different. That being said, the Bachelor's degree - in most cases - is designed as a four year program of study, provided the student is full-time and follows their chosen program of study as prescribed by the college or university, and also provided the individual does not require prerequisite or developmental coursework as a result of basic skills testing. The minimum credit load for a full-time student is no less than 12 credits per semester. However, to complete the degree within the four years, a credit load of approximately 15 to 18 credits is recommended. For individuals who work or who have other responsibilities that would prohibit them from attending full-time, completion of the degree may take twice as long. Still, some of this time can be cut down by attending summer sessions and/or interim sessions. In addition, the bachelors and associate degrees are referred to as undergraduate degrees while the masters and doctorate degrees referred to as graduate degrees.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

In general, a bachelors degree takes anywhere from 124 - 128 credits for a college or university that operates on a two regular semester academic year.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

it depend on the school, buy most outstanding universities or college, it take them 120 unite to complete a college degree.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The master's can range from 30 credits to 60 credits depending on the specific program of study.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The master's degree can range anywhere between 30 and 60 credits depending on the specific program of study.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

you need 120 units to graduate high school

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How many courses do you need to complete for a College major?

Depends on the major. The major has a number of units you need to graduate. Each class you take is given units. These add up per term until you have the number you need to graduate. Your major will also break down the classes into sections and you have to complete a particular number of classes in those sections to complete a major. For your first two years of college you have to take General education classes. These are classes in science, math, English, public speaking, arts, literature, and philosophy. They come to 60 units to graduate with an AA. Once you finish the AA your transfer those to your university level and begin the classes on your major. Generally, they add up to another 60-90 units for a BA/BS. If you drop a class, get an F, or just don't go you have to retake it to get the units. A GPA of a D will put you on probation with the college. In graduate work a C is a failure. Some people think they can go to college, play around, and do nothing, but the problem with that is they won't graduate.

How many years of college do you need to be drafted to the WNBA?

You have to graduate from college (4 yr degree) in order to be drafted into the WNBA

What college do you need to graduate from to be a vet?

any college as long as you graduate like I'm going to regular college

What courses do you need to take in high school to become an audiologist?

High school will give you the basics in math, English, language, and other subjects so you can go to college. You will need to complete a set number of units to graduate. The high schools here require 265 units to graduate and that adds up to about 60 units a year. To get into the college you want you need to keep up your GPA, do good in college testing, and be involved in community service. Your first 2 years of college will be undergraduate work and before you can take classes in your major you will need to complete the basic classes and prerequisites. I suggest you contact the college you are interested in going to to see if they have an major in your area and what they require from you when you enter as a freshman.

How much school do you need to be a school counselor?

well, since its kind of like a doctor, and its in that field of work, i imagine you will need to graduate college, and at least get a masters degree and graduate from college

How many credits do you need in NC to graduate from high school?

In High school it depends on what college you are going to and all that stuff

Where can I apply for grants for graduate school?

Graduate School Scholarships & Grants: Free Grants for Graduate ... Nov 2011 " If you want to apply to graduate school, you need to investigate your state's grant programs. There are many need-based and even specialized ... FinAid! Financial Aid, College Scholarships and Student Loans

How Many Credits do you need to graduate high school in Louisiana?

If you are referring to a senior in college; A senior is 90 credits and above.

To get into college do you need community service?

in Maryland, you need 75 service hours to graduate high school.

How many point do you need to graduate newton north high school?

you need 1,000 to graduate

Do you need to be a high school graduate to become a veterinarian?

Yes, it requires a college degree.