About 5 months or 140 days including breaks and summer. And remember it depends on the school, state, and country. Also private schools don't have to follow a law of how many days of school is required each year.
53 Days left
220 days are in an Icelandic school year 220 days are in an Icelandic school year
Dont think about how many classes you have left- think how many you have been through that day. Dont think about how many days left- think about how many their are in the year.
There are 190 days in a Canadian school year
86 days are left in this year, from today October 6, 2012.
The school year typically runs 243 days in Japan.
About 180 days and 39 weeks of school.
230 days
there were only 3 school days in a week and 153 days in a year
For the 2014-2014 school year, there were approximately 184 days of school.
In my tone of Plymouth, NH there is about 180 days of school each year
337 days in a normal year and 338 days in a leap year.