Saturn has 82 known moons.
Based on this riddle, Saturn has 18 moons.
Saturn has 82 known moons, making it the planet with the most moons in our solar system.
62 moons
Saturn has 82 known moons, while Uranus has 27 confirmed moons.
It has 12 moons.
Saturn has at least 61 moons orbiting it(but no planets)
Saturn has 82 moons confirmed moons to date.
Saturn has many rings it has it has of 30 moons
Over 60 moons have been discovered orbiting Saturn so far, but many of them are tiny moonlets imbedded in Saturn's rings, and are only a few tens of miles across. There could be as many as hundreds of undiscovered moons hiding in the rings.
Saturn. Venus has none, Saturn has over 60 moons.
One sun, 62 moons.