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The number has been decreasing steadily since 1986, however in 2002 the number was 51% of college students graduate from baccalaureate institutions within five years of initial enrollment. This was according to ACT. Only 75% survive the first year.

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16y ago
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16y ago

It really depends on the college or university itself. Some have higher attrition rates than others. It is also difficult to to tell because some individuals transfer from one school to another and some stop out but return at a later date. However, to get an estimate (at least within the US) I would recommend that you go the the U.S. Census Bureau web page indicated under the related links section below.

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11y ago

In the United States alone hundreds of millions of people have graduated from high school.

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15y ago

over one billion class mates have im one of them my self.

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in India-1 million

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13y ago

all of them :)

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Q: How many high school graduates also graduate from college?
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A post graduate is a graduate that graduates again. This is also to say a person who continues studies after graduation, usually beyond a bachelor's degree.

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No, the noun 'graduate' is a concrete noun, a word for a person.

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1. a graduate or former student of a specific school, college, or university.2. a former associate, employee, member, or the like: He invited all the alumni of the library staff to the party.Sorce: http://dictionary.reference.comit's spelled ALUMNI

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How many people don't go to college after high school?

The Department of Education says that 73% of high school graduates do not graduate from college.Quite alot of people don't go to college because they can't afford it, they have a good paying job already, their grades aren't good, aren't sure what they want to be when they grow up, or their parents didn't do well in college so the teenager believes that he/she won't do well either. Some teenagers also fear of moving out of the house and away from parents.

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There is no direct relationship between the two. To get into most colleges, you need to EITHER graduate high school or get a GED. You may also have to pass pre-college tests with some minimum score, but in many cases it's the sum total of your achievements and your fluency in describing them that governs access to college. IF you graduate high school, you need as many credits as the school requires, in the subject areas required by the school. At your particular high school, a guidance counselor is probably best equipped to tell you which classes, at that particular school, prepare you for college, and for law school. It is your performance at college that will govern your ability to get a law degree, and that, too, varies depending on what college or university you go to. If you know what law program you wish to attend, find their college requirements. Then look at that college, and consider what they want of entering high school graduates. That's what you need to do in high school. Do as much of it as you are capable of, and volunteer, do internships, work in political campaigns, and otherwise get as much exposure to the legal system you can (but not from the defendant's side of the bench, so to speak).