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Q: How many ghettos existed in German occupied territories?
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How many ghettos exist today?

Although there isn't a total count of all the ghettos in Nazi occupied territories. In German occupied Poland and Soviet Union alone, there were over 1,000 ghettos. The largest of all the ghettos was the Warsaw ghetto in Poland. It contained over 400,000 Jews within a mere 1.3 square miles.

What did people in German occupied territories have to do?

They had to work for their new masters.

What happe ed in the Polish ghettos?

in world war 2, after Germany invaded pland in 1939, more than two million polish Jews came under German control, and were eventuly forced in to what the Germans called "ghettos"or"Jewish residential quarters."The Germans created more than 400 ghettos in occupied territories. But the biggest ghettos was in Warsaw, the polish capital, where almost half a million Jews were confied, and killed.

What is the setting of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust took place primarily in Europe during World War II, from 1941 to 1945. It occurred in Nazi-occupied territories, including concentration camps, extermination camps, and ghettos. The most infamous extermination camp, Auschwitz, was located in German-occupied Poland.

German Democratic Republic located between?

It existed from 1949 to 1989. It occupied what is now the northeastern portion of Germany.

What are the names of all the Jewish ghettos during World War 2?

The German first ghetto was in occupied Poland at Piotrków Trybunalski in October 1939. The Germans went on to establish at least 1,000 ghettos for Jews. The largest ghetto would be the Warsaw ghetto.

How many ghettos were established?

There were three types of ghettos: closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos. The Germans established at least 1,000 ghettos in German-occupied and annexed Poland and the Soviet Union alone. German occupation authorities established the first ghetto in Poland in PiotrkówTrybunalski in October 1939.

What is the geography of the Holocaust?

The Holocaust primarily took place in Europe, particularly in Nazi-occupied territories such as Poland, Germany, and Austria. Concentration camps and ghettos were established throughout these areas where millions of Jews and other victims were imprisoned and killed. The geography of the Holocaust also extends to other regions where Jews were deported for extermination, such as Auschwitz in Poland and Treblinka in German-occupied Poland.

Did German Jews get sent to ghettos in other countries?

Yes, what ever Ghettos their were in the Axis state, jews were sent to them

When was German Jews evicted from their homes and force into ghettos?

Jews were not just one group of people in one place. Ghettos were established throughout the war, Jews were forced into ghettos throughout the war, where they were depended on when they were deported.

What year were the Nazi ghettos in Poland established?

The first German built ghetto was in occupied Poland at Piotrków Trybunalski in October 1939. The Germans went on to establish at least 1,000 ghettos for Jews. The Warsaw and Lodz ghettos were established in 1940.

Why were the chechens deported in world war 2?

The deportation Chechens was during the Second World War, just after the Red Army reconquered territories occupied by the German army.