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Q: How many clep exams is there?
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How many CLEP exams are there?


What subjects are covered by CLEP tests?

There are many subjects that are available for someone who wants to take CLEP exams. Examples of subjects that are available for someone who wants to take CLEP exams includes history, science, and business.

How do you study for CLEP tests?

Here are some good links for standardized exams!

What entity determines whether CLEP credits are awarded and how many?

Individual colleges and universities determine if they will accept CLEP credits and how many credits they will award for specific exams. Each institution sets its own policy regarding CLEP credit acceptance and the score required to earn credit. It is advisable to check with the institution you are interested in attending for their specific CLEP credit policy.

The number of credits awarded for the CLEP exam is determined by?

The number of credits awarded for the CLEP exam is determined by the individual college or university. Each institution sets its own policy on which CLEP exams they accept and how many credits they award for passing scores. It is important for students to check with their school's admissions or advising office to understand their specific CLEP credit policies.

Can you get a Masters degree or Ph.D using mostly CLEP?

I would have to say no. Most CLEP credit is designed for undergraduates. There maybe a way you can test out of certain classes (which may use CLEP exams), but those will more than likely be prerequisites to your Masters/PhD.

What CLEP exams cover material that most students would have learned in?

The first two years of college

CLEP exams cover material typically learned in a student's?

first two years of college (apex)

What's the maximum amount of credits I can receive from the CLEP exam?

Each CLEP exam is worth 3, 6, or 12 credits, depending on the exam. Most subject specific exams are 3 credits each, the broader exams are usually 6 credits, and some of the language exams are 12 credits. The maximum amount of CLEP credits that can go to a degree is approximately 30 credits at most colleges, although some colleges allow around 60 credits. A few programs, such as the CollegePlus! program, help students test out of apprximately 90 credits, while still earning a fully accredited degree. **Full Disclosure* I am an employee of, a 100% Guaranteed CLEP exam preparation site.*

What is the maximum number of course credits students can receive for taking CLEP exams compared with credits that students earn for successfully completing the course?

the same amount

What are CLEP's?

CLEP stands for the "College-Level Examination Program." In essence, an individual can receive college credit for knowledge already acquired through life experience. CLEP offers a variety of exams in general and subject particular areas. While there is a minimum score recommendation through the American Council on Education (ACE) for a recognized pass, all test takers should contact the college or university of their choice and ask for a list of acceptable CLEP scores for their school. Interested individuals may access detailed information at,

How many forms of identification do you need to take the Clep Exam?