The nicotine should be out of your system within 3 - 4 days after your last cigarette. But the cravings for it will last quite a bit longer since nicotine is addictive both physically and psychologically.
Nicotine leaves your system rapidly, in a matter of hours. It is the damage nicotine does to the nervous system, and the time it takes for it to return to normal, that causes the withdrawal symptoms and adds to the recovery time. most report 5 days to be clear of nicotine and the rest of the giving up process is resisting the temptation to smoke.
how long doe nicotine stay in your system if you stop smoking?
of course nicotine is the bad part of smoking...
Only about three days. However, the psychological effects of withdrawal will last a lot longer. Probably forever.
Nicotine does not show up on any type of drug test. accually they have nicotine test, and it usually takes 7-11 days.
The side the effects of nicotine withdraw should not last more then 5 days. Usually nicotine leave your body about 2-24 hours after stop smoking. The craving get less and less day by day.
Most docs recommend not smoking for at least 24 hours before and major surgery.
really it shouldnt take too long for it to leave, probably at most a week but your life span will still be shortened by a fair amount! +++ Given that most people take nicotine by smoking, the carcinogenic tar may be the greater threat.
2 daysFor 2 hours
The half-life of nicotine is about three hours. The metabolites can last for several days. You must not smoke before surgery. In a surgical emergency, the reduced ability to transport oxygen that goes along with all smoking could be fatal.
A really creepy long time. Nicotine is what makes it so hard to stop smoking. And actually, tobacco countries have been illegally (and secretly) been bribing the governments with billions of dollars to put increased amounts of nicotine in cigarettes, cigars, and other methods of smoking.
3 months max to completely leave your system?
100 yearsHow long do you have to stop smoking before a drug, blood, or urine test cannot detect any compound except nicotine? Can a blood or urine test tell the difference between chewing the gum and smoking a cigarette (i.e. the other chemicals in cigarettes"?