In French, aimée, the feminine past participle of the verb "to love", means "beloved". The corresponding Latin form is amata. A related word is amanda, "worthy of love".
The word, "I" is spelled, "I-yay," in Pig Latin.
The word squid is spelled in Greek as kalamari. IN Latin the word squid is spelled as squid and in Italian it is spelled as calamaro.
In Hawaiian, the name "Aimee" can be translated to "Aime" with the pronunciation "eye-may."
The word "penny" in pig Latin is spelled "ennypay."
The word art is spelled as arte in the Spanish language. In the Latin language the word is spelled the same as it is in English.
Obama is not a Latin word. Obama spelled backwards, "Amabo" is a Latin word.Amabo means "I will love."
The Latin word for sulfur is "sulfur" or "sulphur".
Cow in Latin is spelled as Bos primgenius
The word air is spelled in Spanish as aire. The word air in Italian is spelled as aria and in Latin as aer.
Actually, it's spelled Sella, but it means chair
The word finale in the Greek language is spelled as finale. This word in Latin is ultimo and in Spanish it is the same as it is in English.
Thant is not a real word. Maybe it is more than one word, or you just spelled it wrong.