The "CH" is a consonant digraph and it pronounces like a J but in a voiceless tone. The examples are chair, chain, chat, chart, chin, chop, church, change, etc. This is a pretty common CH pronunciation.
However, sometimes, the CH remains the C sound like character, chemical, chaos, ache, chrome, etc. Typically, when the C is followed by an E, I or Y, then it'll become a soft C which sounds like an S. However, if we wanted the C to be hard but the following letters would soften the C, then that's when the CH remains the C sound like chemical, orchid, orchestra, etc. These words might sounds like it makes a voiceless J sound, but that's exceptional due to these reasons. If these words didn't have an H, then the C might soften as we can see what's the following letter, which we don't expect in these words as it'll sound odd. Sometimes, if the following letter would soften the C but we want the hard C, we can use a K instead like kid, kind, king, kill, kiss, keen, kite, keep, etc. This is a pretty tricky pronunciation because if we see a CH, there's no visible clue and it's quite a hidden clue of whether the word originally makes a voiceless J sound or if the word should make a C sound but the following letters would soften, which we can't tell about. If it's about making the F-ending word's plural, then it's easier because there's a clue that it'll be "ves". However, if the CH is followed by an L or R like chlorine, chronology, chrome, chromosome, etc., then that's also when the CH will remain the C sound, then that's a visible clue. However, there are some exceptions that the CH remains a C sound although these reasons weren't applied like character, charisma, anchor, mechanic, school, stomach, tech, etc. In these words, the following letters doesn't soften the C and the CH isn't followed by an L or R, so that's exceptional.
Sometimes, there's something called a "soft CH". When the C is followed by an E, I or Y, then the C would soften, which would make an S sound. Soft CH is when the C makes and SH sounds and sometimes, although the CH isn't followed by an E, I nor Y, it might make a soft CH sound like charade, champagne, chute, parachute, chartreuse, etc. which sounds quite unusual and it makes it quite more challenging because when you come up with a CH, it seems like it might make a voiceless J sound or C sound but you might be surprised that it might be a soft CH which makes an SH sound. The examples of soft CH are charade, chute, parachute, chef, Michelle, Michigan, machine, chalet, champagne, chevron, chartreuse, etc.
A digraph. A digraph is when two consonants make one sound. "Ch," "sh," and "th" are other examples.
The word "chartreuse" have a CH digraph but it's irregular. The CH digraph is pronounced like a J but in a voiceless tone which could be a voiceless J. For example, D and T sounds similar but the T is the voiceless D, and so on and fourth. Sometimes, the CH have an irregular pronunciation like it remains a C sound like character, chemical, chaos, chrome, chromosome, Chris, anchor, chorus, orchestra, orchid, school, stomach, tech, etc. Sometimes, there's something called a soft CH, which is when the CH sounds like an SH and "chartreuse" falls into this category of the soft CH. The other examples of soft CH is charade, parachute, chute, champagne, chef, Michelle, machine, Michigan, brochure, Cheryl, chalet, chevron, Chefvo, chartreuse, etc.
A digraph blend is when two consonants are paired together to create a sound that blends them together. A couple of English examples are "ch" and "th."
The word "kerchief" contains a digraph. Digraphs are pairs of letters that represent a single sound, in this case, the "ch" sound.
Write sentences using digraphs.
The unique digraph CH is almost always spelled that way, except that some Slavic words and names with CZ have the CH sound in English (e.g. Czechoslovakia).
Yes, a digraph is a combination of two letters that together represent a single sound or phoneme, which may differ from the sounds of the individual letters forming the digraph. Examples of common digraphs in English include "ch," "sh," and "th."
Cholera is pronounced KOH-luh-ruh but CH is usually pronounced as in the word cheese or chicken.
ch ch ch ch like a train's wheels
A beginning blend consists of two consonants blended together at the beginning of a word, such as "bl" in "blend." A digraph is two consonants that make a single sound, such as "ch" in "chat."
It is spelt 'Cześć' and pronounced 'chesh-ch'.
Two consonants that blend together and lose their own individual sounds and create a new unique sound. for example: ch, sh, th chair, shape, though