

How is society classified?

Updated: 11/12/2022
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13y ago

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History in an society starts when that specific society can write.

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Q: How is society classified?
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The fear of people or society can be classified as Anthropophobia or Sociophobia.

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Migraine headaches are classified by the International Headache Society (IHS) as primary headaches, which means that they are not caused by other diseases or disorders.

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Two key qualities that a group of people must share to be classified as a society are a common culture or identity that binds them together, and a shared system of organization or structure that governs their interactions and relationships. These two factors help to distinguish a society from a mere collection of individuals.

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Its ownership of large estates in a society where people were classified by property ownership.

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People were classified on the basis of the work they carried out during the kings rule.The different kinds of work mean that they were paid accordingly.So thi is the how the division of society began.

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Because everyone knows everyone within their community and they share a common faith & life path.

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"Pride and Prejudice" is not classified as a political novel. While it touches on themes of class, marriage, and society, the focus is primarily on the personal relationships and social interactions of the characters rather than overt political commentary.

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