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High school students are more mature than elementary kids, so they have more work and less structure. You're expected to be able to set a time and do the work by the deadlines, and you have more reports and papers to do.

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10y ago

Well, at mine we get quite alot (UK). It depends purely on the Homework system and your school. There is usually a homework timetable, making sure teachers aren't giving you homework everyday. They don't always follow it. The only thing you'll need to watch out for is homeworks for the next day, if that happens you have the right to complain, as this should'nt be given out at all.
Hey, I am in high school, year eight, my first piece of homework was reading, spelling, maths, and an essay on the marine food chains. (Life is so hard sometimes)

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10y ago

It really depends on the teachers, but usually you'll be doing about an hour or so of work per assignment.

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No studies have been done

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Too much homework can lead to stress, burnout, and reduced sleep quality in students. It can also limit time for extracurricular activities and social interactions, which are important for overall well-being and development.

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Well, in any person life you will think at some point there is not an end to school and homework. But that is not true. Get your homework done right after school, but don't do it fast just to get it done and have all the answers wrong. Do it right then go to the sport.

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It's not bad - so long as you get the work done, it doesn't matter when you do it. The best way to do homework is to give yourself a short break - maybe one hour - after school and then buckle down and get it done before bedtime.

What perecentage of students do better if they do homework?

An exact percentage is not available, but it would be high, possibley even in the high 90s, It is only reasonable to assume that if you do your homework, you will do better in school.