From the safety management group:
The EMR is a relatively straightforward computation that compares a company's annual losses in insurance claims against its policy premiums over a three-year period, excluding the most current year.
Who issues the Experience Modification Rate for your business
An EMR (experience modification rate) insurance rating is a way to determine the workers' compensation premiums for businesses. An annual basis is calculated and premiums can go up or down.
A step rate modification is an adjustment made to the interest rate of a loan at set intervals, such as every few years or when certain conditions are met. It allows for changes to the interest rate based on specific criteria outlined in the loan agreement. This modification can result in either an increase or decrease in the interest rate for the borrower.
A step rate modification involves a low beginning rate for the first one to three years. After this the rate will increase by one percent every twelve month until it caps typically at a rate lower than the original rate on the loan. This rate will then remain for the duration of the loan.
The interest rate is calculated annually.
Typically the modification is for five years. After five years the interest rate goes up by 1 percent until it tops out at 5.###. Fair market rate.
A "step-rate" modification states that you will have a changing interest rate. For example, the first 5 years, your interest rate will be 2%, the 6th year will be at 3% and beginning the 7th year, you'll pay a fixed interest rate of 4%. Step rate modifications always become fixed rates in time (normally after 5 years)
FRN are bonds that have variable coupon. The Floating Rate Notes are calculated by adding the spread to the fixed reference rate for that day.
The Censom
The interest rate for this loan is calculated based on the principal amount borrowed and the annual percentage rate (APR) set by the lender. The interest is typically calculated as a percentage of the remaining balance of the loan each month.