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Chemical energy is only the result of changes in the electron orbits around nuclei.

In nuclear energy, changes to atomic nuclei occur.

In nuclear energy, nuclei are either fissioned (U235 or Pu239), or fused (deuterium + tritium), so that new elements are formed in the process. In chemical changes elements combine or dissociate, but the same elements remain after the changes.

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Nuclear energy is derived from changes in the nucleus of the elements concerned (for example Uranium), whilst chemical energy is derived by reactions between molecules or atoms, in which the nucleus of the elements involved is not changed. For example burning methane CH4 with oxygen O2, the results are carbon dioxide CO2 and water H2O, but the amounts of each element involved, carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen remain exactly the same before and after. In the case of nuclear energy, the Uranium-235 involved is completely dismantled in the fission and two other elements are formed in its place.

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No. Nuclear energy is a type of energy that is quite different from chemical energy.

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Chemical energy can be converted into nuclear energy through processes like nuclear fission or fusion. In nuclear fission, the nucleus of an atom is split into smaller parts, releasing a significant amount of energy. In nuclear fusion, nuclei are combined to form heavier nuclei, also releasing energy. These processes release a much larger amount of energy compared to chemical reactions.

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That is called chemical energy - assuming conventional fuel. Nuclear fuel has nuclear energy.

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Chemical energy does not change into nuclear energy. Chemical energy is associated with the bonds between atoms in molecules, whereas nuclear energy is associated with changes in the nucleus of an atom, such as nuclear fission or fusion.

Does fire have nuclear energy?

No, fire is chemical energy not nuclear

What are the six different forms of energy?

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