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The higher the education you have the more things you can do so your employment rate would go up

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Q: How does your level of education affect your employment rate?
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Salaries and wages affect the locality by means of employment rate. For instances such as when the salary of a desired position goes down, the employment rate goes down too. And when the salary of the desired position goes up, the employment rate of the desired position goes up too.

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Do you mean what grade in school a child is in? If that's what you mean, then no, grade level doesn't affect heart rate, but there is probably a correlation between a child's age -- which is closely associated with his grade level -- and his heart rate.

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Money, Dedication and Education

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No. Blood alcohol level is a measure of how much alcohol is in solution in the blood. It is possible to affect the rate of absorption, but not the level that is reached.

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The literacy rate of a country measures how many of its citizens are able to read and write on some level. The rate in Haiti as of 2013 is 48.7 percent.

What is the job rate for preschool teacher employment in Texas?

You would need to contact the department of education in the state which you are interested in to find out their rate, most states have different rates for teachers.

What state has the highest employment rate in the US?

North Dakota with a 97% employment rate.