

How does sputnik 1 work?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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Q: How does sputnik 1 work?
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What does the 1 in sputnik 1 mean?

It means it was the first sputnik.

Is Sputnik 1 a Russian spacecraft?

Sputnik 1 was a Russian satellite.

Who one came first sputnik 1 or sputnik?

Sputnik 1 came first. It was the first artificial Earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957, marking the beginning of the space age.

Why was there not a sputnik 4?

Because the Sputnik program ended with Sputnik 3. Albeit there was a Sputnik 40 and 41 but these were to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Sputnik 1.

What is the names of the s first spacecrafts into space?

Sputnik 1 Sputnik 1

What was first satellite in space called?

the name of the first satellite is Sputnik

What country was Sputnik 1 set to orbit?

Doesn't work like that, a satellite can't orbit one country. It can stay in geostationary orbit over some, but that's it. Sputnik 1 orbited the whole Earth.

Were Sputnik 1 and 2 launched at the same place?

No, Sputnik 1 and Sputnik 2 were not launched from the same place. Sputnik 1 was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, while Sputnik 2 was launched from the same location.

What was onboard sputnik 1?

The only known contents of Sputnik 1 are Electronics and some batteries.

Who went in sputnik 1?

Only things the sputnik 1 is known to have contained are Electronics and batteries.

Was Sputnik 1 an orbiter?

Yes, Sputnik 1 orbited the Earth over 1000 times

What was the other satellite sent out a month after sputnik 1?
