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Q: How does financial system transfer funds from lenders to borrowers?
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What is financial system?

Financial system is a system used by organizationÕs management to exercise financial control and accountability. It allows transfer of money between savers and borrowers.

In the financial system who are the borrowers?

households, individuals, and businesses

Who are the borrowers In the financial system?

households, individuals, and businesses

What does a financial system bring together?

savers and borrowers

What advantages and disadvantages do commercial banks gain from maintaining lenders and borrowers?

Lenders (depositors) are an essential source of any bank's main tool i.e the fund. The borrowers provide the profit (interest) which makes the whole system revolve.

What are the differences between economic development and financial system?

Economics development is a measurement of how an economy is developing and takes into account the standard of living, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, competitiveness, infrastructure and human capital levels. The financial system is the system which allows the transfer of money between savers and borrowers.

How does the possibilty of financial intermediation increase the efficiency of the financial system?

Financial intermediation is a way of indirect finance. Some lenders prefer lend indirectly via financial intermediaries by using financial instruments. Indirect finance is as important as direct finance for the financial system to survive. Thus, financial intermediation is an asset for an efficient financial system.

Why do lenders need liquidity to operate effectively?

Lenders need liquidity to operate effectively because it allows them to meet their financial obligations, such as funding loans and covering withdrawals from depositors. Having sufficient liquidity ensures that lenders can continue operating smoothly and fulfill their role in the financial system.

What is a network of savers investorsand financial institutions that work together to transfer savings to investors?

financial system

What are the role of financial intermediaries in financial system?

Financial System Perform the same role by channelizing funds between savers and borrowers in the economy as blood circulation in human body by heart through veins.which keep alive to thenerves and mankind to make active creative and energize. the system serve to individuals, organizations, and whole nation to make their active participation for productivity.

Can you explain how current banking works in today's financial system?

Banks in today's financial system take deposits from customers and lend that money out to borrowers. They also offer various financial services like loans, investments, and payment processing. Banks make money through interest on loans and fees for services. They are regulated by government agencies to ensure stability and protect customers' funds.

Characteristics of finance?

A financial system allows money, or finances, to be transferred from one entity to another. Investors are able to transfer funds to borrowers. Financial systems can be large and work on a global level, or can be more local.