"Zio" is an Italian equivalent of "uncle."
Specifically, the Italian word is a masculine singular noun. Its singular definite article is "lo" ("the"). Its singular indefinite article is "uno" ("a, one").
The pronunciation is "TSEE-oh."
"Uncle" in English is zio in Italian.
"Hello, uncle!" in English is Ciao, zio! in Italian.
You can say "Ciao zio" in Italian to greet your uncle.
Auguri, Zio! is a literal Italian equivalent of the English phrase "Congratulations, Uncle!" The pronunciation will be "ow-GOO-ree TSEE-o" in Italian.
Trentadue = 32 In italian .
Ewythr is 'uncle' in Welsh (Cymraeg).
No, Sojourner Truth did not write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
No, Lyman Beecher did not write 'Uncle Tom's Cabin'. 'Uncle Tom's Cabin' was written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
Marmo italiano
Il mio zio and mio zio are Italian equivalents of the English phrase "my uncle." Context makes clear whether the speaker is talking about (case 1) or to (example 2) an uncle. The respective pronunciations will be "eel MEE-o TSEE-o" and "MEE-o TSEE-o" in Pisan Italian.