There are many ways to achieve emphasis and get your ideas across. If you are giving a speech, it is important to give eye contact and speak with dynamic inflections. In writing, one must continue to hammer the main point home with repetition and bold wording.
There are several ways to indicate emphasis in typeface, none of which should be overused.
Depending on the style guide used by the publisher, you can use:
The key if you don't have a style guide, is to use the emphasis for the typeface you've chosen which does not 'pop', but is different enough from the standard type to indicate emphasis. As well, never use more than one style at a time, and when you pick one, stick with it throughout your article.
If you want a simple emphasis, you can use a single exclamation point. Take care not to cover up lazy writing with exclamation points or emphasis styles.
Otherwise, in your writing, when you want to create the most memorable paragraph, you can open it with a leading topical sentence and finish it with the 'punch line' of your topic. This makes for memorable writing that doesn't require emphasis from a type face.
To write a short story with unity, coherence, and emphasis, start by outlining the main theme or message your story will convey. Ensure that every sentence and paragraph in your story relates to this central theme. Use transitions and logical progression to maintain coherence. Finally, emphasize important plot points, emotions, or themes through descriptive language, dialogue, and strategic pacing to keep readers engaged and connected to the story.
Unity in a paragraph is making sure that everything "flows." The paragraph should always begin with a topic sentence, such as "One of the reasons the climate is changing is because of pollution." From then on, whatever is being said must support the topic sentence. If you make claims, they need to be supported by logic. An example of a paragraph that would not be unified would be by inserting a random fact about your dog in a paragraph about global warming. They're not related, nor does your dog have an relevance to global warming.
Unity in paragraph Unity in the paragraph means oneness of idea. A good paragraph possesses unity when all the sentences develop the main idea. Unity in the paragraph is achieved by the use of (1) a topic sentence with its controlling idea (2) supporting details, and (3) a clinching sentence. Coherence in the paragraph The word "coherence" derived from "cohere" literally means "to hold together". If the sentences in the paragraph should relate to the topic sentence to effect a unified whole, these sentences should further be arranged in an orderly sequence and linked to one another to ensure a smooth progression of ideas from one sentence to another. Emphasis in the paragraph Emphasis is concerned with how important the ideas can be made prominent. Ideas in the paragraph are made emphatic through (1) position in the paragraph, (2) proportion in discussion, (3) the use of parallel grammatical structures, (4) the repetition of key ideas, and (5) the arrangement of ideas in a climate order.
The paragraph is a way or organizing your thoughts for convenience, and to make it easier for the reader to understand you. You can write a paragraph whenever you think you should.Here are some typical places where most writers make a new paragraph:whenever you change to a new topicwhenever you change from one speaker to anotherfor emphasis if you have something very important to say
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write a paragraph on past employment experience
The purpose of the paragraph should be explained in every paragraph you write.
write a paragraph of discovery
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This paragraph makes no sense.Your homework is to write a paragraph about Da Vnici's childhood.
You can start your essay on "My India" in Hindi by introducing the significance of the country, its diverse culture, heritage, and unity in diversity. You could write about India's history, geographical features, and the essence of being an Indian.
1. Write a paragraph. 2. Repeat Step 1 four times.