I do not know what an "ex of lantay" is ... could you write this question in English please?
WikiAnswers will not write your paragraph for you, but we WILL help you learn how to do it yourself! Click on the Related Questions for even more information.
Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? Look up some facts!
If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!
perferable you do ex. in smller letters than the words you right down and in front of the word you write, like this: ex. "Blah, Blah, Blah"
fact you
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write a paragraph on past employment experience
The Tagalog word "lantay" can mean "level" or "flat" when referring to something that is smooth or even. It can also mean "pure" or "unadulterated" when describing something that is untainted or sincere.
The purpose of the paragraph should be explained in every paragraph you write.
write a paragraph of discovery
knowing when to start a new paragraph when righting anything like, a book for ex.
how do i write a 3 paragraph essay on how to groom a horse
This paragraph makes no sense.Your homework is to write a paragraph about Da Vnici's childhood.
a instrument found in mindoro.Philippines