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Write sentences the way you speak - just pretend you are telling this to a friend, and write down what you would say. What would you tell them about this topic? What are the steps your friend must follow to make this coffee? How would you describe these steps to your friend? What do you think of the coffee?

If you just start writing, you will be through with your assignment before you know it!

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Q: How do you write a paragraph about making Ethiopian traditional coffee?
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How do you prepare ethiopian coffee show me the step?

step coffee making

Do ethiopians drink coffee?

Yes ,Ethiopians drink coffee .Ethiopians also have a traditional way of making coffee

Is there a special ceremony for serving coffee and where can I learn about it?

The answer to your question is yes. There is a ceremony dedicated to coffee in Ethiopia. In an Ethiopian restaurant, they take you through the whole coffee making processes in a very ceremonial manner. You can learn more about it at this website;

What is the location of the poem Arabic coffee?

The poem "Arabic Coffee" by Naomi Shihab Nye is set in Palestine. It describes the traditional Arab coffee-making process and reflects on themes of hospitality and connection.

What are the advantages of coffee capsules over grounds?

Using a coffee capsule such a a K-cup for the Keurig is beneficial over using traditional coffee grounds because using a capsule ensures you are making only the amount of drink that will actually be drank. How often do you make a pot of coffee that is 10 cups and only have a cup or two? How often do you have to throw out old coffee using a traditional coffee pot? That will not happen using a coffee capsule.

What is a pot for making coffee starts with letter P?

A percolator is a pot for making coffee.

Can you use coffee in making glue?

I cannot think of ant application for coffee in glue making.

What is made from babazzi?

Babazzi is a type of stone used in traditional Ethiopian jewelry making. It is often carved into beads for necklaces and bracelets, as well as other decorative items. Additionally, it is sometimes used in architectural elements such as door frames and window frames.

How do coffee beans help the plant?

Coffee beans are coffee seeds. They help the plant by making new coffee plants. What you buy at the store is roasted coffee seeds.

What is the purpose of adding salt to coffee grounds when making coffee?

It cuts down on the bitterness

Where can a person go to get tips on making espresso coffee?

One can find tips on making espresso coffee on the following websites: "wikiHow", "Home Barista", "Gimme! Coffee", "Hubpages", "Start Cooking", and "SMH".

Can you use instant cofee in a cofee maker?

Instant coffee isn't suitable to be used for making coffee in a coffee maker due to coffee makers being designed to brew coffee.