It depends entirely on how you pronounce "Vaibhav". My best guess would be ו×יבה×ב but if you provide a phonetic pronunciation, the Hebrew version will be more accurate.
Vaibhav means "Glory".
Vaibhav Saxena was born in 1986.
Vaibhav Suman is 5' 8".
Vaibhav Wategaonkar was born in 1982.
I know a Vaibhav in my school and I guess his girlfriend is Vaishnavi.
Vaibhav Hiwase goes by Babya.
How do you write "Oases" in Hebrew
Vaibhav is a Hindi word originated from sanskrit and used in India, it means "GLORY" and 'Richness' Vaibhavi is derived from the name Vaibhav...:]
There is no such thing as Hindi Hebrew. But if you are asking how to write it in regular Hebrew, it's רובין
Possession in Hebrew is רכוש.
vaibhav sharma