Vaibhav means "Glory".
Vaibhav Saxena was born in 1986.
Vaibhav Suman is 5' 8".
Vaibhav Wategaonkar was born in 1982.
I know a Vaibhav in my school and I guess his girlfriend is Vaishnavi.
Vaibhav Hiwase goes by Babya.
How do you write "Oases" in Hebrew
Vaibhav is a Hindi word originated from sanskrit and used in India, it means "GLORY" and 'Richness' Vaibhavi is derived from the name Vaibhav...:]
There is no such thing as Hindi Hebrew. But if you are asking how to write it in regular Hebrew, it's רובין
Possession in Hebrew is רכוש.
There is no language called Israeli. People speak Hebrew and they write using Hebrew alphabets.