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This phrase can't be translated accurately into Hebrew.

You can say: khasdei elohai (חסדי אלוקיי) which means "the love of my God".

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God have mercy on me (psalm 86:3)

חָנֵּנִי אֲדֹנָי (choneni adonai)

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Q: How do you write God have mercy on me in Hebrew?
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Who is Rachmiel?

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How do you write God in Judaism?

Some write "God." Some write "G-d" (in order to avoid having His name erased). In Hebrew, there are various names for God (see attached Related Link).

How do the Hebrew people picture God?

The Jews (formerly called Hebrews) worship one ethical God who according to tradition and Hebrew scripture, created the universe. Modern Jews understand God in many different ways. God has no known image, and is only thought of in terms of attributes, such as Justice and Mercy.

How do you write god in us in Hebrew?

Elohim imanu (אלוקים עמנו)