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Медведь, pronounced med-VED'

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Q: How do you translate 'bear' into Russian?
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How do you translate bear to Russian?

The translation of "bear" to Russian is медведь (medved').

What is little bear in Russian?

"Медвежонок" (Medvezhonok) is little bear in Russian.

How do you say honey bear in Russian?

Медовый мишка is honey bear in Russian.

How do you say little star in Russian?

If you want to translate any English word to Russian, just go to that will translate fast and easy

How do you translate great to Russian?

There are many ways to translate "great" into Russian depending on the context. Assuming you want to exclaim "Great!", it's Отлично! in Russian. Pronounced ut-LEECH-nah.

How do you say Mexico in Russian?

Google translate(: mexicaaa, but w/ a Russian accent .

Russian for bear?

The Russian word for bear is "медведь" (pronounced medved).

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пухло = cubby

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What sort of bear is a dancing bear?

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