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Here are some good tips to improving your spelling:

  • Try to learn one or two words each day -- you can improve your vocabulary at the same time, because it's no harder to learn definitions at the same time as spelling
  • Try to learn enough Latin root words so that you can guess spelling rules -- if you know that "mal" means bad, for example, you can figure out that maladjusted might be adjusted with "mal" in front of it, to mean poorly adjusted.
  • Keep track of the words frequently missed and keep that word list nearby to study from as often as possible until those words are mastered.
  • Study in difficulty sequence, not in alphabetical sequence -- in other words, start with easy words and work your way up! A word like "psychiatrist" could sound like it starts with an "s" to a person who has never seen the word before, but because the speller knows they are in the "p" section, they will miss the chance to have figured out the beginning of the word as well.'
  • You can find good word lists by using Google to find "100 most frequently spelled words" or "spelling bee word lists" or even "words most people mis-spell"!
  • The morning of the bee eat a good breakfast and skip the energy drinks -- you want to be rested and alert, not jittery and on a sugar rush!
  • Remember that -- if you do your best, whatever happens, you did a good job!
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12y ago

look up "100 most frequently spelt words" on google and study them. Or you could ask your English teacher for some words that are for your grade and then study them.

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Q: How do you study for a spelling bee'?
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How do win a spelling bee?

study the words

What should you do after you fail a spelling bee?

you should study harder

Are contestants of spelling bee have given guidelines of words to spell?

Spelling bee contestants study word lists all year. Plus they are given official rules to read.

What kind of bee is the smartest?

The spelling bee.

Where can you go to study for the spelling bee?

Library, Home, School, Quiet place, and at a friends house.

How do you say spelling bee in spanish?

Spelling Bee is Spelling Bee in Spanish. It's the same thing in English.

How can you get into the spelling bee?

To get into a spelling bee you must, practice and if your teachers, or observers witness your good spelling skills you will be chosen to be in a spelling bee.

How do you win district spelling bees?

If your in school all you do is get 100's on every spelling test you have! (I don't study and i get 100's every time!) I was actually in a spelling Bee Oh and learn these words......... photosynthesis psychoanalysis scrupple denominator To participate in the Scripps National Spelling Bee, you must make sure that your school is enrolled in the organization, by asking your teacher. The steps are: There is usually a class spelling bee, then school spelling bee. Contestants must be between fourth and eighth grade, and below the age of 16 years. After the school bee is usually the school district bee, then county, then regional. After the regional spelling bee, if you qualify, is the Scripps National Spelling Bee. You should study to be in the bee, like recommended above.

Mechanic and rules for spelling bee?

what are the mechanics for spelling bee

When is the spelling bee this year 2012?

The 13 is the spelling bee

What do you have to do to enter a spelling bee?

u git in it by your school. each year there is a local spelling bee @ each school across du nation. so study hard nd u might ind up in it!!!

In Akeelah and the Bee what is the Bee?

A Spelling Bee