"You just have to get control of yourself and stop talking you could put buct tape over your mouth"
I dissagre with the person who sasid this. this is why:
I HAD the same problem! and i got in TONS of troble for it 2 :O so i decided that i needed to stop, so i chose the most oviouse one, having the will power to stop! but it didnt work, i tried my hardesr but one word slipped and i was hocked :/ So if you tryed having will power and it didnt work try:
~ Chewing Gum (it gives your mouth something to do but down side, lots of schools
have a no gum policy to becarful if you decide to disobay this!)
~Passing notes/Texting (this can be riskey but it really helped me because you are still talking to ur friends but with no sounds!)
~Making up secret signils with the people that u talk the most with EX: brush eyebros 2 say Hi! (it works, but they have to be stuff that's not obviouse, like everyday things, itching eyelid, get it LOL)
~Doodling (i did it b4 but not as much, i started to doodle more and realized that it destarted me from talking)
Hope this help! Ok so I'm the next person to help I'm sorry but don't do MOST OF THE THINGS THEY SUGGESTED if u chew gum u will get in trouble if you text you will get in more trouble so here's what you do sing a song you really really like then when people interrupt it to talk you wont even want to talk and to be honest if all this information doesn't help just talk to them during brakes if u can't do that whisper really soft or ignore them
Lead by example. Don't talk when they are talking.
one of them prob like you and that's just how guys are they are all dicks!
Uh... Stop talking to her?
Uh... Stop talking to her?
Split those two students apart so they will stop talking. They both have had a part in disrupting our class.
stop talking about it!!
it is disirable to stop talking when you swallow because you can choke.
i have a hedach can you please stop talking
Stop talking.
Oh, dude, stopping talking to imaginary friends is easy - just stop talking to them. Like, seriously, just don't engage in conversations with people who aren't actually there. It's like breaking up with a ghost, except you don't need to change your phone number. Just, you know, talk to real people instead.
ask them to stop it, if it doesn't work then stop talking to them and they wont have anything to gossip about
Just say that you need to consentrate but tell them with no mean tone so they know tha u are seriose