Same way
How do you spell Eamonn in Arabic
The name is spelled the same, so to speak, but using Arabic letters, which I cannot use here.
To spell "shantell" in Arabic, you would write شانتيل.
If you are asking how to spell it in Arabic, then Robert is روبرت Kathy is كاثي Twins are توأمان Otherwise, Kathy and Robert are pronounced the same, and twins is pronounced TAWA'AM.
what is the arabic translation for Maria?
Justin is pronounced almost the same in Arabic as it is in English. How it's spelled depends on which country you're in, but most Arabic speaking countries would spell it like this: جاستن
You spell it like this : " شلبي "
it is written in Arabic this way : رفقات
كاريCarrie in Arabic.
In Arabic, "Lara" is spelled لارا.
Leadership = qeyada ( in Arabic ). and it written in Arabic this way : القيادة