How do you spell "Gerhard-us Koenraad" in Hebrew
There is no equivalent in Hebrew for "Ashlei" but you can spell it אשלי
zmgh has no meaning in Hebrew.
Klotz is not a Hebrew word, so you would just spell it phonetically as קלוץ
It has no meaning in Hebrew. if you actually meant "Babara", you can spell it באברה But if you meant "Barbara", you can spell it ברברה
If you are referring to the slang word for "alone" then the Hebrew word for "alone" is leh-VAHD (לבד)
Aima (horror) in Hebrew:
Chelsea is spelled צ'לסי in Hebrew.
It depends on how you pronounce "Civia". If I were to guess at its pronunciation, I'd spell it סיוויה in Hebrew.
There is no Hebrew name for Tmeiko but you can spell in in Hebrew letters as טמייקו
There is no Hebrew name for Andrice, but you can spell it in Hebrew letters as אנדריס
lengends in Hebrew is אגדות