No le haga (usted a ella) (formal way)
no le hagas (tú a ella) (familiar singular way)
no le hagáis (vosotros a ella) (familiar singular way)
no se lo haga (formal)
no se lo hagas (familiar singular)
no se lo hagáis (familiar plural)
No sé dónde está ella.
Names dont change in spanish...if your name is Bob then in Mexico they will call you Bob.
Yo no te conozco pero ustedes hacen una linda pareja.
its Si but with a slash over the i. if you dont put it there then the word becomes 'if'
no queremos que usted se marche
English: Spanish:To make Hacer
No te acuestes muy tarde.
how do you spell lemon in spanish
parece that is how you spell seems in spanish
"con" I think "con" is how you spell with in spanish.
flaco is how you spell skinny is spanish.
Heck with Spanish - can you spell it in English?