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cafeteria - your spelling is correct.

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How do you spell cafetria?


How do you spell cafertera?

The correct spelling is cafeteria.Some example sentences are:The cafeteria was closed due to a rat infestation.I will meet you in the cafeteria at one o'clock.The cafeteria at school is always busy.

How do you spell cafateria?

The eating location (often a retail service line) is a "cafeteria".

What is a sentence for cafeteria?

i celebrated my birthday in cafeteria,sold foods in cafeteria,baked desserts in cafeteria.

What does la cafeteria mean?

The Cafeteria

What is the cafeteria in a hospital called?

a cafeteria. :)

Can you unsramble aoaerteofifdc?

There is no one-word anagram, but I think what you are looking for is "cafeteria food."The letters can also spell the movie name A Face to Die For.

How do you say cafeteria in Chinese?

Cafeteria in Chinese.

What is a five letter word for cafeteria no-no?

cafeteria no no food

Is cafeteria an abstract noun?

No, cafeteria is a concrete noun.

Should senior cafeteria be capitalizing in a sentence?

Yes, when it is used as a name of cafeteria. It should be -- Se nior Cafeteria

How many syllables does cafeteria have?

There are 5 syllables in cafeteria. (Ca-fe-ter-i-a)