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the letter 'v' is pronounced : veh with the short e sound. you dont hear the h.

If a word starts with the letter "v" and is the first word in a sentence, the letter is pronounced like a "b". For example: Voy a casa. In the example, the "v" would be pronounced like a "b"

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14y ago
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13y ago

It depends on which spanish accent you are talking about, but most spanish countries pronounce it like the English letter B.

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12y ago

· verdadero (true)

· valiente (valiant)

· vacio (empty)

· varios (variety, varied)

· viejo (old)

· vivo (alive)

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13y ago

varon (boy), vago(lazy), if i can remember more ill write it

hope it helps at least a little

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12y ago

voy= to go...

veinte - twenty 20

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