how do you spell natalie Indiana
In Polish Natalie is "Natalia".
English- Natalie Spanish- Natalia
The name 'Natalie' is sometimes spelt 'Nathalie' (the French way).
In Russian, Natalie is spelled as ΠΠ°ΡΠ°Π»ΠΈ.
Same as English.
Natalie,I think
Natalie has no meaning in Hawaiian. Only Hawaiian names have meaning in Hawaiian. But you can spell it: Nakali
Some alternative spellings of Natalie include Natalee, Nataly, and Nathalie.
On Dubai TV in the United Arab Emirates: Mashaheer.
ريش THis is the best way to spell it. Arabic does not cosist letters that you could pronounce as 'CH'
The likely word is "harem" (a collection of wives under Arab polygamy).