Mackenzie. This is the Irish form ,not German ,Italian or any type of language.
MacKenzie, McKenzie, MacKenzy,McKenzy, Mackenzie,Makenzye
You can spell McKenzie as many ways as you want. Since it's a name, parents choose to spell it many many different ways. Common ways to spell it are: McKenzie (the most common way) McKenzee Mackenzie McKenzeigh
Mackenzie, MacKenzie or McKenzie all seem to be a correct spelling of (what was originally) a Scottish Clan name.
the same way you spell it in German
How do u spell fiffty nine in German
Zwei is how you spell two in German.
In German, you would spell 222 as "zweihundertzweiundzwanzig."
The name (given name or surname) is spelled McKenzie or MacKenzie.
You spell it "Straße".
und is and in German