Danish krone was created in 1875.
No, the currency of Norway is the Norwegian krone.The currency of Denmark is the Danish krone.
Krone means "Crown" in both Danish and Norwegian.
The currency of Denmark is the Danish krone. The Danish krone is pegged with the Euro, but is a sovereign currency.
Traditionally it was the Krone but now Denmark uses Euros.
In Denmark they use a currency called KRONE.
The Danish krone (plural: kroner). Krone is the Danish word for crown, so sometimes, you hear "Danish crown" or "Danish crowns" used as well.
A Krone is a Danish currency (ie, American = Dollar, England = Pound, Denmark = Krone!)
how much is 1 danish krone worth in us currency
The Danish Krone.
The krone is a type of currency that is used by more than one country. Denmark use the Danish krone and Norway use the Norwegian krone.