あなたは私に世界を意味する.....erm thats probably not the answer you were looking for though...
Take away the 's' from 'mean' and you're good! "you mean the world to us"
Shoma Donya-eh man hastee You are my world.
You Thats mean, but i say hitler!
it means exactly that "a peaceful world" you say it Heiwa na sekai
If you mean to say "you are beatiful", you will say it "tu es beau",if he is a boy. or you will say it "tu es belle",if she is a girl. but if you mean to say "your beatiful",you will say it "ton beau..."if the world after "beau" is masculin,e.g.: if you want to say "your beautiful face",you will say it "ton beau visage" because the world "visage meaning face in English"in masculin... and you will say "ta belle..."if the word after "belle" is feminine,e.g.:if you want to say "your beautiful daughter" you will say it "ta belle fille" because the world "fille meaning daughter in English is feminine".
Depends on who you mean by "our." Your question does not say what your nationality is. You could be anywhere in the world.
say that you love them so much and u mean the world to me that's if you love him or her so much :)
When you say, "the World" to mean planet Earth, it is spelled with a capital 'W.' If you say, "there could be other worlds with life in the Universe," it would not have a capital.
'you mean the world to me' can be translated literally as 'znaczysz dla mnie cały świat' which doesn't sound really good or correct. Instead I would say 'jesteś dla mnie wszystkim' which can be translated as 'you mean everything to me'.
mon monde (NB in French this can mean my people or the people around me)
Say what you mean and mean what you say.
Desserts are delicious, but I think you mean deserts, also "how many percent of the world" you mean to say: "what percentage of the earths surface is covered in deserts"