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ruido de la máquina

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13y ago

You can say "Hagas ruido".

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¿Ese ruido de dónde proviene?

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Q: How do you say where is that noise coming from in Spanish?
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How do you say when she heard a noise in spanish?

When she heard a noise in Spanish is: Cuando ella escuchó un ruido.

How do you say noise in spanish?

el ruído

What is causeing a grinding and knocking noise when driving my car?

Its hard to say... do u know where the noise is coming from?

How do you say 'are you coming' in Spanish?

You could say "¿Estás viniendo?"

How do you say Are you coming out in Spanish?

¿Vas a salir?

How do you say I am not coming in spanish?

No voy a venir.

How do you say 'you make lot of noise' in Spanish?

"Haces mucho ruido".

How do you say I am coming through in spanish?

Con permiso.

How do you say When are coming to see me in Spanish?

¿Cuándo viene usted a verme?

How do you say are coming in Spanish?

"¿Vienes?" "¿Vas a venir?"

How do you say she's coming home in spanish?

Ella vuelve a casa

How do you say are coming over in spanish?

(Ya) se acercan Se acercarán