"The sign of the cross" translates as "Das Kreuzzeichen"
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost = Im Namen des Vaters, des Sohnes und des Heiligen Geistes.
you don't.
schielendes Opossum
sich abmeldensich ausloggen
There is nothing in the Bible to say a christian should do that, so I would say never.
The German word for motorbike is Motorrad.
This is Jesus "King of the Jews".
O sinal da cruz.
The cross - das KreuzI'm cross - Ich bin sauercross the road - die Straße überquerencross beams - Querstreben
The truth is when we say the Sign of the Cross we are letting GOD know that we are going to pray to him and ask for forgiveness.
十字 /juu ji/ means cross, and 十字を切る /juu ji wo ki ru/ means to cross oneself, to perform the sign of the cross
Schild is the translation in German. German is the first language of about 95 million people worldwide. German is mostly spoken in the European countries.
To make the sign of the cross the "long way," you begin by touching your forehead, then your chest, followed by your left shoulder and then your right shoulder. This is often used in Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic traditions.