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White in German is weiß, pronounced "vice".

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13y ago

Yellow: Gelb

Red: Rot

Blue: Blau

Green: grun (with two dots over the "u")

Black: Schwarz

Purple: Violet

Orange: Orange (pronounced differently)

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"Weiss wie Schnee." If you mean "As white as snow" it is "So Weiss wie Schnee."

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yellow in colour = gelbfarbig

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Q: How do you say the colors in German?
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How do you say colors in german?

colors = Farben

How do you say primary colors in German?

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How go you say secondary colors in German?

Secondary colours means "Mischfarben", the singular would be "Mischfarbe".

What is the flag colors on the German flag?

The colors of the German flag are black, red, and gold.

What colors are German Shepherds?

German shepherds come mostly in brown and tan colors

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I believe that the order of colors in the German flag is black(top), red(middle), and yellow(bottom).

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Die Farbe der Freundschaft is a German equivalent of the title to the movie 'The Colors of Friendship'.

What are the colors for German Christmas?

Green and white are the colors used in Germany for Christmas.

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Blue means drunk.

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there are three colours in the German flag and that is black, red and gold

Who do you say war in German?

How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"