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lindo perrito. perrito lindo. perrito bonito.

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¡Súper! ¡Sabes / sabéis español!

¡Qué bien! ¡Sabe usted / saben español!

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¡Ese chico es tan guapo!

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Ese perro es lindo

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me amo mi perrito

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Q: How do you say that boy is so cute in spanish?
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How do you say he is so cute in spanish?

Translated from English to Spanish its 'el es tan lindo. This is how you say he is, so cute in Spanish.

How do you say 'he's a cute little boy' in spanish?

Cute is very idiomatic depending on where you live. The Latin country of your birth determines the word for cute. For most Mexico Spanish, the word is lindo, so the sentence is: Bueno, eres tan lindo.

How do you say 'he's so cute' in Spanish?

You could say "Él es tan guapo".

How so you say boy cousin in spanish?

primo nino

How do you say awww Emily is so cute in spanish?

aww emily es tan linda

How do you tell someone there daughters are so cute in spanish?

You can say "tus hijas son tan guapas"

What do you say when hes says your cute?

this one boy said that to me so i said "well your not so bad yourself "and the fairytale begins????

Does china MCclain have a boy friend?

yes his name is Breon Allen. Chyna always say," He is so cute."

Is jayza a cute name?

I would say so but thats only cos I like a boy called Jason!

What is cute in Spanish?

For a girl, Bonita. For a guy Bonito, but that would make it awkward so you would say Guapo. ex. He is cute, El esta guapo. ex. She is cute, Ella es Bonita.

How do you say you like a boy i mean a real cute boy?

Play it cool, be like "Hey, I think your cute." just say that confidently to him on what seems random. It's bond to get his action. Unless his a prick. So then you'll know that and maybe you won't like him any more.

How do you say you are Spanish in Spanish?

^ I'm not sure if you want to say that your spanish, as in I am, or YOU are, so I'll tell you both.I am a Spanish boy: Soy español.I am a Spanish girl: Soy española.You are a Spanish boy, girl: eres español, a / (usted) es español, aYou are Spanish people: son / sois españoles, as