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Text is pronounced the same in Hebrew as in English (טקסט). Another way of saying it would be Ktav (כתב).

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Q: How do you say text in Hebrew?
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Related questions

What does the word text mean in Hebrew?

"text" is the same word in both Hebrew and English.

What is text written with vowels called in Hebrew?

It is literally called: Dotted Text or Menukad (מנוקד) in Hebrew

What is the scared text of the Hebrews?

If you mean "sacred" text, it is the Hebrew bible, or Tanakh (תנ״ך). Although it's fair to say that some of it is quite scary.

How is a Hebrew text made from which translation is then made?

If you are referring to the Hebrew Bible, the text is not made from translations. Hebrew is the original language of the Bible. Translations of the Hebrew Bible are made by many people in many different ways.

What does the Hebrew text represent?

It represents the consonants of the Hebrew language.

What was nicodemus's Hebrew name?

Nicodemus is not mentioned in any Hebrew text, so his true Hebrew name is unknown.

What app for the Palm Pilot enabled Hebrew text in emails?

Palm devices did not support Hebrew text. If the company moves forward with plans for a palm smartphone, hebrew would be supported without a special app.

What text from the Hebrew scriptures dives caritas internationalis?

dives caritas internationalis is Latin, so it is not in any Hebrew text.

How do i say happy birthday?

Merry Christmas.Merry Christmas.If you want the answer in Hebrew text, go to the following link:יום הולדת שמח ישו

Which text did the Hebrew people ancient Israel use?

The main text was the Torah.

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How do you say hand in Hebrew?

You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew