verrassing is the word for surprise in Dutch. This word is used for enexpected thing.
Dutch people or The Dutch. This may surprise many. Holland is not a nation. Holland is a region of the nation named The Netherlands. It's true. :)
You can say "Quelle surprise" to mean "What a surprise" in French.
What a surprise is...quelle surprise!
Either surprise or overraskelse
In Dutch you say "interieur" or "inwendig".
In Dutch, "Larissa" is pronounced as "luh-RISS-uh".
"Ezechiël" is how you say "Ezekiel" in Dutch.
The correct way to say "shocked" in French is choqué.
ah in dutch
Groot But the g is hard to say if you're not dutch..
'stripes' is in Dutch 'strepen' and 'stripe' is in Dutch 'streep'.
zeggen waar de is the word for say where. This is the translation from English to Dutch.