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Q: How do you say struggle in German?
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How do you say my struggle in German?

Mein Kampf

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Mein Kampf, German for "My Struggle"

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lutter = to struggle la lutte = the struggle (also means wrestling, as in the sport)

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How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"

How do you say body in German?

To say body in German it is Körper

How Do you say practice in German?

Tranianieren is how you say practice in German.

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How do you say Rosie in German?

to say Rosie in German you say Rosie :) i like pie

How do you spell say that in German in German?

Say that in German = Sag es auf Deutsch (informal) Say that in German = Sagen Sie es auf Deutsch (formal)

How do you say what in German?

The German word for what is was.

How do you you say German in German?


How do you say German in Spanish?

Alemán is how you would say "German" in Spanish.Aleman.