In French the word for sheep is 'Mouton' (Moo-ton) In German the word for sheep is 'Schaf' (Shaff) In Italian the word for sheep is 'Pecora' (Pe-kor-ra)
Possibly the most famous sheep's milk cheese is the Italian pecorino.The name comes from pecora, the Italian for sheep. It is great used on pasta as you would use Parmesan, or simply - like Parmesan - eaten as it is.
"Of or relating to sheep" is an English equivalent of the Italian name Pecorale. The surname traces its origins back to the feminine singular noun pecora ("sheep"). The pronunciation will be "PEH-ko-RA-ley" in Pisan Italian.
Mizithra is an unsalted Greek cheese that is made from sheep or goat's milk. Ricotta is an unsalted soft white Italian cheese made from sheep's milk.
Sotto is how you say under in Italian.
"Ristoranti" is what we say it in Italian!!
The quote is an Italian proverb of uncertain origin.
eka mendhi (marathi)
in italiano
"You are learning Italian" = "Stai imparando Italiano""I am learning Italian" = "Sto imparando Italiano"
To say "sheep dog" in French, you would say "chien de berger."
Sheep in Spanish is carnero, Borrego, or ovejas. In Dutch it is kudde, or schapen and in Portuguese, sheep is tolo, rebanho, or carneiro. In Turkey, sheep is koyun or ezik kimse, and in Italian it is pecora, pecore, or agnello.