I will raise up my head.
to raise from the dead = hechyah (×”×—×™×”)
to stand (up) = 'amad (עמד)
to climb up = alah (עלה)
The function of the word "up" in the phrase raise up your head is to add emphasis. Either version is correct, whether you say raise your head or raise up your head. These are both grammatical.
Make-up is the same in Hebrew. It's spelled מייק אפ (and pronounced make ahp).
Carolyn in Hebrew is as follows (I am not sure if it will show up, so let's see!): קרולין
the allow you to have the power to raise your cholesterol level up when you want. why would you want to raise it you say? to lower it, of course! the allow you to have the power to raise your cholesterol level up when you want. why would you want to raise it you say? to lower it, of course!
Raise Up Your Hand - KIRIL feat Ras Tweed & Esma
mah nishma (מה × ×©×ž×¢)
You say 'Yalda' in Hebrew
ma nishma (מה × ×©×ž×¢)