Say It with Poison was created in 1991.
Envenenar= to poison Veneno = Poison
Say It with Poison has 215 pages.
Socrates was the famous Greek philosopher and teacher who was forced to drink poison as an enemy of the state.
paradis poison
The word "neurotoxin" comes from the Latin words neuron(nerve) and toxicum (poison). The Latin words come from the Greek words neuro (cord) and toxikon pharmakon (arrow poison).
In Spanish, poison is "veneno." In French, it is "poison." In German, it is "gift."
Socrates was the famous Greek philosopher who was forced to drink poison, specifically hemlock, as a result of his conviction for impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens.
Some believe it is Dionysis, but it is actually Achlys.
Pharmaceuticals is a Greek word (φαρμακευτικά). It derives from pharmaco (φάρμακο) meaning medicine and original meaning poison.