"Punto decimal" (masculine). However, please note that many Spanish-speaking countries use a COMMA to separate decimals, and a POINT to separate thousands and millions. In this case, you would have a decimal comma, "coma decimal" (feminine).
Las tres en punto.
Doce en punto. (twelve on the dot)
un punto
To say "dot dot dot" in French, you would say "point point point" or "point de suspension."
Dot is piste in Finnish.
"It does, as well as many other mainstream websites. The address in the URL bar for Spanish sites is normally a (dot)es instead of a (dot)com as you may be used to."
click cancel, then open
Goodbye in Morse code is (--. --- --- -.. -... -.-- .).
"Polka dot" in French is "à pois".
another way to say period is: dot. dot menstrual cycle girls days etc... you get it right??
search circle circle dot dot on youtube.com and click the right video. in the decription or title it should say the artist's name. =)
I know right! What is with that