"No fasting" in spanish is "ningún ayuno" (:
a good site to find translations in any language is http://translation2.paralink.com/
As the son of a dietitian, I would say no, there are no benefits of fasting. If you are thinking of fasting for weight loss, then I would say definitely not.
Its νηστεύω (nistevo).
in Islam dancing is allowed only for husband and some scholars say it is basically banned. but dancing has no relation to fasting and does not cancel fasting.
Bon jeun !
As per my experience, I can say fasting teaches us everything. It has helped me a lot by giving me emotional help. There was a time where i used to stay very depressed. But my fasting coach and his fasting support got me out of that situation.
Fasting is said to be linked to longevity and an increase in energy. Some studies say that it helps with your bodies detoxification while others disagree and say that it does not.
Some people say dry fasting strengthens the body’s immune system. And there’s evidence that limiting calories (but not water) improves inflammation, which protects the immune system. Check DryFastingClub to learn more about fasting and dry fasting
Are you fasting is "est-ce que tu jeûnes ? / Est-ce que tu fais le jeûne ?" in French. That implies that the fasting is done for religious reasons.
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
how do you say sister in spanish
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