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Die Kruste war mein Lielingsteil is the direct translation but a native German speaker is more llikely to say: Die Kruste hat mir am besten geschmeckt.

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Q: How do you say my favorite part in GERMAN in the context of the crust was my favorite part?
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How is crust and lithosphere the same?

The crust is the outermost layer of the Earth's surface, while the lithosphere includes the crust as well as the uppermost part of the mantle. In this context, the crust is part of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is composed of the crust and the rigid upper portion of the mantle and is divided into several tectonic plates.

Do Germans eat vegtables?

Vegetables are an important part of the German diet. Potatoes and cabbage is a favorite.

What do you call the thin and thick part of the crust?

The thin part of the crust is called ocean basins. The thick part of the crust is called continents.

Is the crust of the earth part of the lithosphere?

Yes, the crust of the Earth is part of the lithosphere

What are the high part of the crust?

The mountain tops are the high part of the Earth's crust.

Is Earth's crust part of the atmosphere?

No, earth's crust is not part of the atomosphere.

What are crust and trough?

Crust is the outermost layer of the Earth, composed of solid rock that makes up the continents and ocean floors. A trough is a long, narrow depression or valley, often formed by tectonic activity or erosion. In the context of earthquakes, a trough refers to the lower part of the seismic wave.

What are the low parts of the crust?

what is the low part of the crust

How are the oceanic and continental crust alike?

they both are part of the crust

Why is earths crust brittle?

The crust is the thinnest part on the Earth.

What forms the elevated part of the earths crust?

continental crust

What is the part of the crust that is above water is called?

Oceanic Crust