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You say MEDIODÍA (pronounced: mehdeeodeeah

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amanecer (in the early morning) or atardecer (late afternoon).

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Es mediodia

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4y ago

The conjugated verb for 1 o’clock is

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Q: How do you say midday in spanish?
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Do you say midday at 1200 in Spanish?

Es mediodía. You can also say: Son las doce de la tarde.

What is midday in Spanish?


What means 'midi in Spanish?


How do you say midday in french?


When to say good morning in the day?

When it's on 12pm midday on the dot because it's during the day and it's alright to say good morning when you wake up and it's after 12pm midday.

Do you say midday at 1200?

You do - as opposed to 2400 hrs which is mid night

What is the other word to say 12 o'clock?

You could use midday.

What comes after midday?

Midday is twelve of clock noon. What comes after midday is after-midday, or the afternoon. The abbreviation p.m. means post meridiem, or post midday.

What time is midday?

Midday is 12 noon or 12 midday. It is not 12 p.m. as p.m. means 'after midday'; nor is it 12 a.m. as a.m. means 'before midday. Logically, midday cannot be before or after midday. Similarly, midnight is 12 midnight.

How do you say 'how was lunch' in french?

le repas de midi literally: midday meal

Is 12pm midnight or midday?


How many hours are there from midday on Friday to midday on Sunday?

There are 48 hours from midday on Friday to midday on Sunday.