"Jesus sei mit Ihnen und Ihre Familie" is the correct translation. But common usage would be "Jesussei mit Euch"
In Flemish, 'May God bless you and keep you' translates to 'Moge God je zegenen en je bewaren'.
tanslate thta may god bless you and keep you well in hebew
It means, "God bless you and your family always."
"Gott segne dieses Haus" or "Der Herr segne dieses Haus" 1st one means: May God bless this home. 2nd means: May the Lord bless this home.. :)
May God Bless You or May God Protect You. Here in America, we normally shorten it to God bless you, or simply "God Bless".
AnswerI couldn't find anything online about the "May" part of the phrase. - If it is meant literally it's Gott segne Dich!However,"May God bless you" literally translates as "Möge Gott dich segnen"(may translates as möge, which is derived from mag)___In the context segne is subjunctive and has the force of may ... bless - just as in English may nothing to the meaning of May God bless you.Gesundheit means "health"
May God bless my family Literally That God bless my family
"May God bless you" is a declarative sentence that expresses a wish or blessing for someone to receive God's blessings.
Duw a'th fendithio. (May God bless you.) Bendith Duw arnat. (The blessing of God on you.)
"Godspeed" means "God speed you on your journey" and is used as a farewell. "God bless" is short for "May God bless you" and can be used at any time, but people usually say it when someone sneezes.
We say, 'God bless you', not 'God blesses you', so I see the problem. 'God loves you' is an informative statement, similar to 'the teacher instructs us'; but 'God bless you' is a request for God to do that, in response to some behavior on the part of the other person. God bless you is a shortened version of May God bless you.
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