safe: seguro Unless, of course, you meant the noun, as in a locked box to store valuables, which is 'caja fuerte.'
Tipo de cambio or Tasa de cambio
No corte este arbusto
rate in spanish is tasa de
Aquí está su / tu / vuestro catálogo de tarifas.
The advantage is that if the rates go down you are not locked into a high rate for a long term. The disadvantage is that if the rates go up you are not locked into the lower rate for a long term.
By definition a synchronous generator must be synchronous. If it is not "locked in" it is not a synchronous generator, but an induction machine.
because it has been locked by another apliation
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
The door is closed/shut/locked
how do you say sister in spanish